Saturday 7 February 2015

Jan blog update 2015 - Craft update

Last year did not see much progression of any of my craft projects. I spent so much time planning on Pinterest and not much actual doing. This I did feel quiet disappointed about as I had wanted to get back in to crafting after uni.

That is why I am vowing to actually do and finish projects (or at least significantly progress in them).

Project 1: That Scarf

I'm not going to lie. The scarf is currently in the state it was pre-Christmas. The feature wall took up a lot of my time this month (not an excuse). Now that the big decorating job is finished I am hoping to have more time in the evenings to get this finished.

The work in progress scarf

Project 2: Fabric Patchwork Quilt 

On some positive note, I did manage to find a few spare hours to get on with my patchwork quilt (yay!). So I am feeling rather pleased with myself.

The design is inspired by something I found on Pinterest. However, rather than being seperated by white crosses, all of the crosses will be patterned. My thought was that this would be the best way of mixing the pattern fabric as individual squares might look a bit overwhelming.

Cross quilt patterns

Here is a quick sample of some of the fabrics that are going into my quilt. I've got a mix of fabrics I have brought and some that have been donated by friends and family for the project. The plan is to mix the block coloured fabric with the ones that have more white in the design.

Work so far...

I have started sewing them into crosses and used a large white sheet to formulate my design. The plan is to use the sheet as an extra layer below the patched side between the stuffing. I'm hoping this will secure the patched design.

Fabric Samples

Samples of completed crosses

For the back of the quilt I have a red piece of fabric with a printed image of the Hindu God. I brought it in Portugal as I wanted something in the blanket to remind me of the holiday. It will also give me the perk of a reversible quilt! I'll give you a sneak preview of it further into creation - so watch this space!

January progress...

So post Christmas work on the blanket has progressed from pieces to some of the crosses of the fabric actually sewn together! Originally I had began the design sewing together using invisible plastic thread. During this stage I discovered that that was not my best plan as some of that stitching is coming apart. So I am now using white cotton thread and make small repair stitches where necessary.

So here is a photo of my progress so far! I've given up on pinning them onto the sheet. This was manly because I was being an bit impatient. I really needed to see some progress to get my motivation going on this project.

Some of the more eagle eyed amongst you will have noticed that my attempt at free wheeling this without a pattern needs more focus. The bottom cross with with flowers needs to be unstiched and moved across and up one square. Apparently spending a bit of time doing a line drawing pattern could be a good move.

Project 3: Learning to Knit - New magazine subscription to "Art of Knitting"

The art of knitting
In another attempt to get my creative juices flowing I have also subscribed to a knitting magazine. "Art of Knitting" - if you want to know more about it this is a really good review of the first issue. I've been knitting for years (hence the resolution to finish the scarf) but have never progressed past the basic cast on, knit stitch, cast off. So when I saw this I figured this would be a great opportunity to learn some new knitting skills! :)

The first issue (as you can see) is only 99p, the second issue is £1.99 and then every issue after that is £2.99. So, in comparison to other similar magazines it is really cheap. Part of the method to teach you every stitch is to use a different stitch for coloured squares. Eventually over the course of the series I'll hopefully knit myself a throw.  I will keep you updated on my progress. By subscribing you also get some free gifts as well - I love free gifts.

As you can see I have finished the first square! It is white and garter stitch. As this was a stitch I was familiar with it was pretty quick to do. However, I was able to make use of the video tutorials to learn how to cast on properly! So I felt rather pleased with myself.

Garter Stitch Square

This magazine also includes patterns to help you learn other skills. So I will get started on those once the wool arrives. My plan of not starting new projects might flounder here.... But I'll hopefully learn some new skills and create some funky knits! So watch this space.

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