Monday 30 March 2015

Strange Political Stories from the 2015 UK Election Campaign


As we head in the direction of May we will see a huge amount of political wrangling. There will be a huge amount of mud throwing. So I will attempt to find the laughter in all this.
I will keep this updated as I find more awesome content to share.

Have you registered to vote yet? 

25th March 2015

Although not quite as funny as the Harry Potter Uptown funk - this is a great (and slightly cringeworthy) attempt by the Liberal Democrats. It's funny purely because of the attempt to "get down with the kids".

Liberal Democrats | Facebook

27th March 2015

This video popped up on my Facebook feed - a mix of Conservatives and UKIP quotes. Very cleverly done.

29th March 2015

A little old lady makes unlikely rise to fame with her likeness to the Queen.
Shame for UKIP the Queen can't vote....

30th March 2015

With parliament being dissolved for the general election campaign Transport For London helps to quell the rising panic.

Hope it worked...

SKY news decided that the best way to attract attention to the election was forming a new boyband. The editing is rather amazing...

What do you think of this new boy band in our #BallotBallad? Watch Sky News for all the latest general election coverage. #GE2015
Posted by Sky News on Monday, 30 March 2015

The BBC also decided to give us a bit of help in telling us what an "ordinary young voter" looks like in the UK. I must be entirely abnormal in that case. But I did know that already to be honest....

31st March

In what I can only presume was an attempt to "seem cool with the kids" the news that Cameron is 13th cousins with Kim Kardashion made it back into the papers. Don't know what this is such big news. At that point you are pretty much related to everyone....

8th April 2015

This was a great day of funny on the political trail. It was from all round. Some purposeful.... some completely accidental.

Al Murray (Leader of FUKP) has officially handed in his nomination papers....
I'm slightly concerned by this...

What would he actually do if he wins?

The fire-engine is a great idea though!

It's official, handing in nomination papers #VOTEFUKP
Posted by Al Murray on Wednesday, 8 April 2015

This parody video from the Green party is priceless. Interesting how UKIP is compared to the other 3 main parties.

Nigel Farage must be please that the Green Party see him as a threat!

 I wonder if they will attempt to make a reactionary video?

Did anyone else see this picture of a little girl reflecting our view on the prospects of this elections? The choice is just ridiculous. 

There was also a photo fail for Nigel Farage this morning. Opps...

See the full Mirror article here. 

9th April 2015

In a bid to encourage the newest generations of voters to engage with the election - Maisee Williams has taken the helm.

Notice the photo of her fictional dad Ned Stark on the desk? Nice touch.

To be honest, I think there are probably more people talking about the upcoming Game of Thrones series than the election. 

10th April 2015

This rather interesting concept website was spotted by Buzz Feed's Saraj Datoo. The idea is to play the system to effectively attempt the conservatives from gaining enough seats to form a government. There is a few disagreements as to whether this has been primarily done to benefit labour.  Personally, I would not have thought these two as likely bedfellows. I also have no idea how this works if both don't honour the agreement? 

Personally I think the entirely ridiculous idea. But I doubt it will be the only variation that will appear in the next few weeks. Click here for their info and how they think it will work. 

I currently have no idea who I'm voting for. But this is the recommendation if I was a labour supporter: 

13th April 2015

Today has been an interesting day of political stories.

For UKIP - Their Southampton PPC has been arrested for suposedly bribing voters with a sausage roll.

Would that win your vote? He was question by the Police today and came armed with some Jaffa cakes.

Presuming the budget for bribing is limited?

In another rather bizarre UKIP story - Nigel Farage has been challenged to a duel with swords by a Polish Prince.

If all political bouts where cleared up in this fashion I'm sure the interest in the political system would be higher.

Watch the video here.

While all of this was going one, The Telegraph was asking the important questions.

"Can you trust a man with a cat?"

Because when you are choosing who to vote for the politician's pet is an important debate issue.

In a rather unexpected move this morning, the government also added in new guidelines to crack down on health tourism. They want you too show your passport when using the NHS.

I was rather surprised at this. In the 7 party leaders debate no-one seemed to want to admit it was an issue. Can also see issues with the system of showing your passport? Doesn't feel very thought out and doesn't explain how it will proove you have been living and paying into the system for 6 months.

You can see the full article from the Telegraph here.

15th April 

There was a serious fail by one of the Conservatives this morning. She made a controversial suggestion that those with mental illness should wear wristbands so that the legal system understand what they have and so can deal with them appropriately.

I don't think anyone was convinced. There is still stigma surrounding mental health and making people wear a tag for something that is no fault of their own is cruel.

Today the Manifestos started launching.

The Lib Dems rather oddly decided to launch their Manifesto in a nightclub.... Most journalists were a tad confused....

The Telegraph obviously has not realised how difficult it is to buy home as a first time buyer now. We end up self employed as therefore can't get a mortgage. Any jobs are low paid and even with both me and my husband working full time we can't afford anything except a 1 bed flat.

Rant over.... but they are being a bit unfair here...

In a rather strange move the BBC have decided to try and encourage engagement through the use of poetry.

Interesting move.....

In another important bit of political news - Al Murray released his manifesto. Nicely present - stuck onto the back of the cigarette packet. Perhaps a hint to one of his party sponsors?

We are pleased to announce the #FUKPmanifesto
Posted by Al Murray on Wednesday, 15 April 2015

In a slightly odd - but highly creative - turn "knit for peace" are offering craft days where you can knit yourself a politician to use as a pin cushion....

No sewing collection is complete a Nigel Farage pin cushion... Here's the leaflet for anyone interested....

16th April

I know that the Monster Raving party has a large following. So I thought it was important to include this interview with them on the BBC.

On an interesting note - a bit of subliminal messaging from the BBC by only linking them to UKIP and non of the other major political parties in the UK....

I'm not insinuating anything.... honest....

For those that are interested they even have their own twitter account!

If the video doesn't work click here for the BBC website. 

I don't know about you, but I still need to catch up on the TV debate. However, Cameron did actually have the time to watch it - which makes you wonder why he wasn't just there in the first place?

He also thought it would be a bright idea to tweet along.

The independent has been and found some of the best responses from the twitter sphere....

Screen shot from the Telegraph article above. 

17th April

I'm pretty sure the election stories are getting weirder as we head closer to the election. There has been some completely bizarre stuff on my Facebook News feed today....

For instance, this now assessed UKIP flyer has gone viral today. A teacher got it through the door and decided to mark it....

UKIP Flyer - Found here

In the morning after the TV debate, the country decides that Ed Milliband now has a Sassy Face.

It appears well on it's way to becoming a meme.

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