Thursday 20 August 2015

O Happy Days - Sunshine Award

Firstly, I would like to extend a huge thank you to More Time Than Money. Her nomination for the Sunshine award for me was really lovely and really made my weekend. I would have done this sooner, but I was away this weekend at my Grandparents and I'm also in the middle of moving into my first house.
It's my first nomination for a blogging award :) I love her blogs and you should really go and have a look :)
She's set me 3 questions to answer. So here goes:
  1. What is one book that you wish everyone would read? I would have said 'Harry Potter'. Then remembered that was a series and I would have to think a bit harder. My other choice is 'Twisted Wing' by Ruth Newman. She's a trained psychologist and has written this crime novel that uses her specialist knowledge. As a result this crime book is really unique in terms of the subject matter she covers. A great twist on the traditional 'who dun it'.
  2. What is your go-to way to relax? Being sat in a cafe with a hot chocolate. Either blogging writing or chilling with a book. I love the atmosphere and the idea of being on my own but not alone. I also usually come up with my best ideas here - possibly because I get less distracted than I do at home.
  3. If you could give one piece of advice to yourself 15 years ago, what would it be? Well 15 year ago I was 8 - just to give this a bit more context. I would have said to focus more on the creative subjects and what I was naturally good at rather than pressuring myself to do really well in stuff that I didn't really enjoy.
In order to pass on the love I'd love to nominate the following bloggers for the sunshine award. The are all partly responsible for the additional craft supplies coming through my door and my increasing 'To Make' list.
To all of my very deserving nominees - I ask the following:
  1. If you could visit any country in the world where would you go?
  2. What is the favourite craft item you have added to your stash recently?
  3. What's your favourite F.O. so far this year?
Many thanks to all my nominees for all of your support and constant inspirational posts.
All the best

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