Sunday 31 May 2015

642 Things to Write About - A Sentimental item

One thing I have always loved is writing. I've dabbled in fiction writing since my early teens. Predominately my choice of topic was Harry Potter Fanfiction. However, with the adult pressures of work and home I find that I have difficulty finding the time. Last year a friend of mine brought a copy of 642 Things to Write About. 

642 things to write about
642 things to write about

If I am in the mood for a writing and find myself without a topic - this is my new go-to resource for inspiration. 
In light of my minimalism game, I thought that I better prove that I am not a true minimalist. That would be too much of a flip for me too quickly. There are a number of items I have that I have sentimental links with. 
The hint:
Pick a small object to be given one day to your great grandchild. Write a letter to that child explaining why you have chosen this object. 
To you I leave my charm bracelet. It isn't the largest, or most expensive item that I leave behind. This bracelet was one of the first gifts that my husband gave me when we were first 'going out'. 
Since I began ownership of the bracelet, I have continued to add charms from significant trips and events. 3 years ago I wore it at our wedding, it also has a set of angel wings that I brought with some money my great grandmother sent to me before she died. 
The problem is that I fear so much to lose it, it now never leaves the house. It's safely pinned to my inspiration board and I bring the charms to the bracelet. 
I give this to you as a reminder to live a life that makes you happy. It is not worth a lot to you financially, but I hope it acts as a reminder to live your life to the full. 

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