So on Tuesday (as part of my new get fit routine), I pushed Lily up the our local shop parade. Mainly with the aim of a Coffee once I reached my destination – a much required prize after the huge hill I needed to walk up to get there!
Julia’s house has recently opened up a charity shop on the parade up there. It looks fantastic and has a great range of clothes up there. I’ve already got myself a dress and Lily has had plenty from there when it opened the other week. But I was particularly pleased with my haul on Tuesday. So I thought I would share it with you all – as I am a seriously big believer in charity shops for baby clothes. It’s a really great way of cheaply buying practically new clothes for hardly any money.
3-6 Months

This dress will look adorable with a long sleeved baby grow underneath!

These dungarees are made from some really nice thick denim. I was so surprised with the price and I’m hoping she’ll get some decent wear from them as they look huge!!
6-9 months

For a £1 this dress was an absolute bargin! I think it’s adorable and will look super cute with a set of white leggings.

Both of our parents have dogs. So this was a T-shirt I couldn’t resist – especially as it still has the original price tag on it. It’s amazing how many baby clothes still have the original price tags on.
9-12 months

Both my husband and I love dinosaurs. So this was not going to be left behind. It will be autumn by the time Lily fits this. Which will be ideal and so she’ll hopefully get some decent use from it 
On the other hand, here is a super cute picture of Lily in a Darth Vader onesie that we got from Mothercare . The annoying thing is that I paid about £10 and I doubt she’ll get more than a month’s wear out of it!

But she did look awesome at our under one’s group on Wednesday!
Not got much knitting done this week. I’m pretty sure we have gremlins in our house that produce washing. I swear I have spent every moment Lily has been asleep either washing up of doing laundry! It’s seriously starting to drive me nuts!!!
FYI – I really hate housework, but if I don’t then my house looks like its been hit by a (baby sized) bomb!
I’m off to the knitting and stitching show on Sunday. So keep an eye on my Instagram for updates from that and I’ll post my review of the show (with pictures of yarny goodness) early next week.
Hopefully I’ll get some knitting done on the train ride up to London!
Mummy brain signing off
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